Environment logo FAUST is an Environment project of the European Union (ENV4-CT97-0528). The project started in January 1998 and was completed in December 2000. The EC scientific officer in charge of the project was Maria Yeroyanni; the unit head was A. Ghazi.

FAUST's main goals have been (1) creating a WWW database of seismogenic sources of Europe and (2)  testing the impact of different source models on seismic hazard estimates.

This site contains:


We constantly revise and update the data on this server. No responsibility is taken by the project partners nor by the EC DG XII for any damage that may derive from the use of this database. No warranty, explicit or implicit, is attached to the data, and the project partners reserve the right to change the content of this server without prior notification.
The data are public domain and can be freely used without obligation, provided thet any end-user is informed and agrees with the above statements. Data may be re-published only with proper credit and reference to the EC Project FAUST and to the original source(s).

For further information on the European Union Environment programme visit

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