The Greek test area: Atalanti fault

D. Pantosti and D. Papanastasiou

The Greek test area is located in the Locris region and encloses the Atalanti fault. This area was struck by two large shocks in April 1894. Several contemporary reports on the damage and on the effects of these earthquakes on the landscape point out univocally the location of the main seismogenic fault responsible for the second and largest of the two shocks occurred on April 27. This structure bounds to the NE the mountains range at least from Martino to Atalanti. Movement on the fault is prevalently normal, in agreement with the extension undergoing in the area. Discussion among scientists is open about the significance of minor ruptures, on the location of the seismogenic fault responsible for the first shock, and on about the extent of the fault to the NW. The most complete contemporarily report is from Skuphos (1894). Because of the importance of this paper to fully understand this seismogenic structure , we translated it (Appendix 1) with the precious collaboration of Alberto and Guglielmo Frepoli. Notice that we tried to preserve the text the most similar to the original, so some sentences will appear a little odds. We highlighted in bold face those parts that appear relevant for the purposes of this project. The main conclusions from this paper are that the fault is up to 60 km-long, NW-striking, NE-dipping with average vertical throws of 1 m and a few cm of left-lateral movement. Among the secondary structures some appear relevant as for example the Mulkia fault, transversal to the main structure but with a peculiar surface evidence.

In recent times the attention of scientists from different countries was focused on this area, especially considering the seismic potential it may contain for the city of Athens. Different approaches where used to better characterize this structure and the fault segmentation of the region. However, the lack of direct dating of recent displaced deposits and of paleoseismological investigation does not allow a complete characterization of this fault and of the neighboring ones.

Official mapping both topographic (scale 1:200.000, 1:50.000, 1:5000) and geologic (scale 1:50.000) is available.

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